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  • Oct 22 2022 - 15:49
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Dehghani Firouzabadi in the reopening ceremony of the Fereshtegan Islamic Azad University: The elite award is defined for the disabled community / Let's develop the capabilities of the deaf and hard of hearing community in soft fields and creative industries.

The new academic year of Fereshtegan Islamic Azad University has started with the presence of the acting vice president of science and technology.

Ruhollah Dehghani Firouzabadi, in this ceremony and among the ninety students of the university, pointed out that Iran has always been associated with the names of many great men and said: One of these great men; It is the late Bagchehban who worked to improve the educational and knowledge skills of this group in the days when no one in the world paid attention to the deaf and hard of hearing, and the effects and blessings of the great work is continued.

He added: Fereshtegan University should try to become a first-rate university in the world and by improving the skills of this influential group in the society; prepare them for effective and useful entry into the society.

Dehghani Firouzabadi considered the most important duty of Fereshtegan Islamic Azad University to be the training of specialized human resources from among the deaf and hard of hearing and stated: Currently, the biggest challenge of these people in the country is employment, and this university should try to remove this knot from the lives of the disabled.

He continued: In the meantime, the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology also trying to provide appropriate services to this class by defining awards and elite support, which includes strengthening university laboratories and workshops.

The Acting Vice President of Science and Technology considered the definition of the elite award for the disabled as one of the other actions in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology in this field and said: We present the award to the top graduates of Fereshtegan University every year to appreciate this efficient human force in the country.

He also emphasized that we should take the abilities and specialized assets of these groups seriously, and said: God has given these people insight and other abilities in exchange for the lack of hearing, and we should develop these talents and abilities so that the society is less hearing and deaf become effective people in society.

He continued: Many great works of art in the world have been presented by this community of deaf and hard of hearing people, so we believe that there are special talents in these children, especially in the field of art, soft technologies and creative industries, which we should try to flourish.

Dehghani Firouzabadi also stated: With the focus of Fereshtegan University, which is ahead of this movement, we are trying to meet the needs of students both in terms of hardware and to define elite awards for this range of children.

Full coordination of the government for the implementation of the knowledge-based production leap law

Dehghani Firouzabadi continued by referring to the progressive knowledge-based production leap law and stated: The implementation of the law can bring about significant events in the field of knowledge-based economy in the country. The regulations of the law are being compiled and operationalized by a council and with the participation of various institutions. All the ministries that are relevant in the law also participate in the regulation of regulations. Most of the regulations have been approved by the government, so there is complete coordination for the implementation of the law.

The Acting Vice President of Science and Technology added: From this year, we will see that with good coordination between the institutions, especially the ministries that are most involved in the provisions of the law, it will be implemented quickly and harmoniously. Also, the correct implementation of the law; It will also include large government and industrial complexes that can use this law with devices.

Improving the evaluation process of knowledge-based companies

Dehghani Firouzabadi further pointed out that due to the good approach of the country in the field of knowledge-based businesses and the formation of the discourse in this field, the number of requests sent for knowledge-based technology complexes in the country has increased by about 3 times, said: Vice Presidency of Science and Technology is also trying to review all requests within a month. Of course, we are trying to improve and reduce the evaluation period and the administrative and specialized processes of this work soon.

Fereshtegan Islamic Azad University officially started its work in 11 academic fields in 2018, and this year the number of these fields has reached 22 field codes. Currently, 370 students are studying in this university, 50% of them are from the hearing-impaired community and 50% from the hearing community.

Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology

  • News group : NEWS,Slider,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
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